Termos de uso

Data de Vigência: 29 de Agosto 2024

Bem-vindo ao maquininha.com.br. Ao acessar ou utilizar nosso site, você concorda em cumprir estes Termos de Uso. Se você não concordar com qualquer parte destes termos, não deve utilizar nosso site.

1. Finalidade Informativa

Nosso site é dedicado a fornecer informações sobre maquininhas de cartão de crédito. Todo o conteúdo tem caráter exclusivamente informativo e não deve ser interpretado como aconselhamento profissional. Nós não vendemos ou fornecemos os serviços ou produtos diretamente; oferecemos apenas análises detalhadas, comparações e insights.

2. Não Comercialização de Dados

Nós não vendemos, compartilhamos ou trocamos dados pessoais coletados através do nosso site. Qualquer dado coletado é usado exclusivamente para melhorar a experiência do usuário e entender o tráfego do site.

3. Monetização e Afiliados

  • Nós monetizamos nosso site por meio do Google AdSense. Para mais informações sobre as políticas do Google, você pode consultar as Políticas do Programa Google AdSense.
  • Além disso, participamos de programas de afiliados relacionados às maquininhas de cartão. Quando você clica em links para realizar compras, podemos ganhar uma comissão sem custo adicional para você. Isso não influencia nosso conteúdo editorial, que permanece imparcial e focado em fornecer as melhores informações possíveis aos nossos usuários.

4. Compromisso Editorial

Estamos comprometidos em manter os mais altos padrões editoriais. Nossa equipe de especialistas e criadores de conteúdo dedicados assegura que todas as informações sejam precisas, atualizadas e úteis. Nossa independência editorial garante que nosso conteúdo não seja influenciado por anunciantes ou parcerias de afiliados.

Maquininha Ideal App

Maquininha Ideal – Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
Effective as of: September 4, 2024


  • A platform designed to help you compare and choose the ideal card machine for your business.
  • A way to understand card machine rates, fees, and features.


  • We are not a financial institution or a provider of card machines.
  • We do not offer or sell card machines directly.
  • We do not guarantee the accuracy of third-party information or services.

By using the Maquininha Ideal app, you agree to this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any of the conditions, please discontinue use of the Service.

1. Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy, developed by ROCKET MEDIA (“we,” “us,” or “our”), explains how we collect, use, and share your information when you use our Service. It also outlines your rights and obligations regarding your data.

1.1 Data Collected

  • Personal Data: We do not collect or store any personally identifiable information.
  • Usage Data: We collect anonymized data that your browser or mobile device sends when accessing the Service. This includes IP addresses, browser type and version, pages visited, time spent on pages, device identifiers, and other diagnostic data.
  • Mobile Data: When accessing the Service via a mobile device, we may collect device type, unique device ID, mobile operating system, and diagnostic data.

1.2 How We Use the Data

The collected data is used for the following purposes:

  • Service Maintenance: To provide and maintain our Service.
  • User Support: To assist users with any issues or questions they may have.
  • Service Improvement: To gather insights to improve the Service.
  • Monitoring and Security: To monitor usage and ensure the security of the Service.
  • Business Analytics: To analyze and enhance the user experience.

1.3 How Long We Keep the Data

We retain anonymized usage data for internal analysis and legal compliance. Once the data is no longer needed, it will be anonymized or deleted in accordance with applicable laws.

2. Terms of Use

These Terms of Use govern your use of the Maquininha Ideal app. By using the Service, you agree to these terms.

2.1 Description of the Service

Maquininha Ideal helps users compare card machines by providing information on fees, rates, and features offered by third-party providers. The app does not sell or distribute machines but works with affiliate partners who offer card machine solutions.

2.2 Affiliate Partnerships

Maquininha Ideal may receive commissions through partnerships with card machine providers. These partnerships do not affect the accuracy or objectivity of the information provided. We strive to keep the information accurate, but discrepancies may occur. Corrections will be made as promptly as possible.

2.3 Disclaimer

  • Accuracy of Information: We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but Maquininha Ideal does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.
  • Informational Purpose Only: The app is for informational purposes and does not provide legal, financial, or tax advice. Users should consult directly with card machine providers for the most current and accurate details before making any decisions.

3. Data Access and Sharing

Maquininha Ideal is controlled and operated by ROCKET MEDIA in Brazil. Usage data may be transferred and stored on servers located outside your jurisdiction. We comply with all relevant data protection regulations.

3.1 Service Providers and APIs

We work with the following third-party service providers and APIs to enhance our Service. These providers may have access to anonymized usage data to perform tasks on our behalf:

ProviderPurpose of SharingLink for More Information
Google AnalyticsTrack and monitor the use of our Service.Google Privacy
FirebaseAnalytics for app performance and user data.Firebase Privacy
Google AdSenseDisplay ads through Google’s network.Google Ads Preferences
AdMob by GoogleServe ads within the app.Google AdMob Privacy
MoPubMonetization platform for mobile ads.MoPub Privacy
AppLovinDisplay advertisements and track usage data.AppLovin Privacy

These providers are bound by confidentiality obligations and are prohibited from using the data for any other purpose.

4. Data Security

4.1 Storage and Protection

All data is stored in anonymized form on secure servers. We use industry-standard security measures to protect against unauthorized access, but no system is completely secure. We cannot guarantee absolute protection against all risks.

4.2 Security Measures

While we strive to protect your data, Maquininha Ideal is not responsible for unauthorized access or breaches caused by third parties.

5. Compliance

Maquininha Ideal complies with all applicable regulations regarding data privacy and information disclosure. The app provides clear information about card machines, including rates, fees, and terms.

6. Privacy and Protection of Personal Data

We respect your privacy and do not collect or store any personal data. For any requests, comments, or questions about this Privacy Policy or your data, please contact us at: [email protected].

7. Contact and Support

If you need support or have any questions about this Privacy Policy or Terms of Use, please contact us at: [email protected]